
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hey yall! im back!

Hola folks! Can i stop talkin like this now yall? (Sighs with relief) Im back and I had an awesome time in Cal! I got a new pet elephant, well actually two, I went to the zoo, went to a party, went to in and out burger, got ice cream, watched the movie life of PI, and lots more!

Saige in California?

Hey folks! I just arrived in California! Human took me on vacation with her!!!!! She started to cry because her tooth hurt SO MUCH. Then since we are staying at relatives, she went into the kitchen and someone told her to take her tooth out so she did! So since im a light sleeper i met the toothfairy!!!!! I love california!!!!!

This is a picture of me at the airport!!!!!!!!

Jet blue!!!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Saige meet NY

"Welcome to you NY Saige!" Everyone said to me. My new human is really nice and takes good care of me! I am Saige Copeland from New Mexico! I love horses and Art! I have my dog here but sadly Picasso and Georgia are back on the ranch. When I got to my new house human said "Close Your Eyes Saige, while we prepare the FIESTA!!!" I had my own fiesta! I got SO many presents! We even had a feast! We stayed up late and I met my new family ( which is really big!) in my new family I have: me,human,Aiden,Annabella,Alyssa,Malissa,molly,Mia,Lanie,Lace,Hailey,Vannessa,Elysia Natalie, Bitty, and Sara!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love NY!!!!!